Hot springs water is a natural habitat for thousands of microbial species;there are approximately ten hot springs scattered throughout Saudi Arabia; however, the microorganisms in these springs have not been thoroughly investigated and characterized. In this study, water samples from two hot springs of Al-Khoba and Al-Arida in Jazan area located at the Southern part of Saudi Arabia were collected and evaluated. Specifically, microbial communities were analyzed by the amplification of 16S rRNA gene sequences, followed by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Tepidimonas taiwanensi was the dominant species in both samples with 49% and60%, while species closely related to Uncultured Bacteroidetes bacterium EW2-030 and Paenibacillusalginolyticus comprised the second largest groups present in samples with 35% and19% from Al-Khoba and Al-Arida, respectively.
Hot springs water, Jazan, Clone library, Phylogenetic analysis
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