An integrated approach was made to control the black scurf of potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn.). Potato is one of the important crop and the fourth largest grown crop after rice, wheat and maize in the world. The pathogen was isolated from naturally infected tubers and the fungus was purified. In the pathogenicity test the symptoms were found on tuber, stem and stolon also. The efficacy of organic amendments (Vermicompost, Neem cake and Farm Yard Manure) was evaluated as soil application alone or in combination with the antagonist (T. harzianum). The Vermicompost and Neem cake both found effective in reducing the Black Scurf Disease Index (BSDI) while FYM was less effective in controlling the black scurf, stolon and stem canker. The Vermicompost and Neem cake also promote the growth of the plant i.e. increasing the shoot length, seed size and formation of tubers per plant was increased. The yield was also increased by the Vermicompost and Neem cake. The organic amendments can be too useful in reducing the soil-borne disease.
Organic amendments, Vermicompost, Neem cake and FYM, Rhizoctonia solani.
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