Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) can help with observing and studying individual cells or organelles in a natural state for a relatively long period. In this study, LTRS and GC-MS were used to report physiological metabolism of active psychrophilic petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading strains isolated from the Antarctic Ocean. Based on GC-MS analysis and analysis of the Raman spectrum of degradation productions, the results showed Planococcus sp.NJ41 and Shewanella sp.NJ49 degraded diesel, n-hexadecane, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other petroleum hydrocarbons with high efficiency at low temperature (0°C -10°C). GC-MS showed the long straight-chain hydrocarbons were decomposed into short straight-chain hydrocarbons. The Raman spectrum showed there were more proteins and carbohydrate than lipids were produced during the Planococcus sp.NJ41 and Shewanella sp.NJ49 growth and degradation. Finally, the Raman intensity at 1512 cm-1 to 1514cm-1 represented b-carotene that was involved in the regulation of membrane fluidity in Antarctic bacteria, allowing it to adapt to the extreme low-temperature environment of the Antarctic.
Antarctic microorganisms, Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS)
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