The present investigation dealt with the isolation of keratinolytic bacteria from soil and their utilization, for the bioconversion of the poultry waste feathers. The isolation was performed by serial dilution and spread plate method. The skimmed milk agar medium was used for the screening of bacterial strains for keratinolytic activity at 37°C for 24 h of incubation. These isolated organisms were incubated with production medium in shaking incubator at 40°C for 96h; the keratinase production was recorded in a range of 1.63 – 11.67 U/ml. The maximum keratinase production and bioconversion of feather waste was observed (80%) by bacterial isolate i.e., S3 (B. licheniformis) out of the fourteen bacterial isolates. These findings revealed the potential use of microorganisms for waste management as well as for industrial applications.
Keratinolytic bacteria, bioconversion, B. licheniformis, keratinase
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