ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

I. Jaquline Chinna Rani and S. Jayasurya Kingsley
1Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai – 600 094, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2014;8(1):757-760
© The Author(s). 2014
Received: 11/08/2013 | Accepted: 24/10/2013 | Published: 28/02/2014

Halophiles are extremophiles that survive in environments with very high concentrations of salt. They transcend all domains of life namely archaea, eubacteria and eukaryotes. They are a good source of bioproducts, enzymes, heat shock proteins and antibodies which are well adapted to extreme conditions. A moderate halophilic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas piscicida strain JCR18 was isolated from off the Marina coast, Chennai and was characterized by 16S rRNA gene amplification for further studies on its proteolytic activity.


Pseudoalteromonas, marine, 16S rRNA

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