A total of 240 strains of genus Bacillus were isolated from different samples collected at Hyderabad, India. Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by these strains was determined by spectrophotometric method. Based on this quantitative estimation by u.v. spectrophotometer, 25 high PHB producing Bacillus strains were selected among the total 240 strains, which produced PHB ranging from 0.901g/l to 1.901 g/l. This ranged to a productivity of 50.05-70.04% PHB of cell dry weight (CDW). The correlation of PHB production with the cell dry weight was found to be statistically significant. The entire selected 25 Bacillus strains were classified to genus level by studying their morphological and biochemical characteristics.
Bacillus spp. STP. isolation, PHB, Identification, Soil
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