Water scarcity is one of the major restrictions for agricultural activities. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of wastewater on the soil quality features in the Islamic Azad University Branch khorasgan in four treatments with three replications in 2014. Four irrigation treatments include furrow irrigation with normal water (FN), furrow irrigation with wastewater (FW), surface drip irrigation with wastewater (DI), subsurface drip irrigation with wastewater (SDI), respectively. Soil samples were taken from four depths (zero to 15, 15 to 30, 30 to 45 and 45 to 60 cm) in two stages, before and after treatment. The use of wastewater will increase the electrical conductivity of the soil. The results showed that the soil Electrical Conductivity increases, and there is a statistically significant difference between treatments at a depth of 15 cm. There is a significant difference at a depth 15 cm about concentration of chloride and sulfate as well. Although the total amount of Coilform and Coliform is higher than the allowable threshold, the use of SDI treatment has greatly reduced the value of these parameters in the topsoil severely. In contrast, the values of these two parameters increased significantly FW and DI irrigation
Chloride, Coliform, Drip Irrigation, Furrow Irrigation, Sulfate, Wastewater
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