To evaluate morphological status of placentas with genital infection. The material of the study included 50 placentas from women with genital tract infection (the study group). The control group consisted of 20 placentas from pregnant women without genital tract infection with uncomplicated pregnancy and labor. Based on the results of our study, we can conclude that infection penetrates into the amniotic cavity leading to chronic fetal hypoxia. Spasm and swelling of placental villi, leukocyte infiltration, fibrinoid necrosis, cleavage of the endoplasmic reticulum, basement membrane thickening, disturbed gas exchange between mother and fetus develop on the background of growth of bacterial population in the amniotic fluid caused by toxemia, hyperthermia and local action of pathogen enzymes. These structural placental changes lead to tissue hypoxia of the metabolic origin. Intrauterine infection of fetus can develop only in case of violations of permeability of placental barrier mechanisms for microorganisms. Permeability of protective physiological membranes disrupts because of degenerative changes and involvement of the placenta in the inflammatory process.
Genital infection, Pregnancy, Placenta, Intrauterine infection, Parturient women
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