| © The Author(s). 2019
Salmonella is a gram-negative bacillus of the family Enterobacteraceae, is a pathogen of importance in public health. In Ecuador there is little information regarding this microorganism. So that the objective of this work was to determine the incidence of Salmonella spp. in the different animal species and meat products in through a documentary review. After the documentary study, have been registered a total of 1686 cases of salmonellosis in Ecuador, with a greater presence in the provinces of the Sierra (927 cases), followed by the provinces of the coast (729 cases) and finally the Amazon region with 30 cases. At the provincial level, the highest number of cases of salmonellosis occurs in the province of Pichincha with 805 cases, while, the highest incidence values it is in the province of Sto. Domingo with 85% of incidence. In relation to the level of incidence, the coastal region presents higher average percentage value (38.34%), the most part due to the presence of the pathogen in food, followed by the sierra (27.57), and Amazon region (22.23), however, in the Island region (Galapagos) no quantitative data was registered.
Incidence, Salmonella, Ecuador, animal species, meat products.
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