Public healthcare system rely on medical images like magnetic resonance images, computed tomography, etc for effective diagnosis. Also remote expert’s advice plays a significant role in improvement of the healthcare solutions. Thus, medical images acquired from radiological equipments and their storage play a major role in healthcare applications such as diagnosis of diseases, telemedicine and telecare. Storage and transmission of color medical images require compression which is a challenging task. In this paper, the compression algorithm for color medical images using ripplet transform and huffman coding is proposed. The objective of the proposed method is to obtain good quality compressed images by representing images at different scales and directions and to achieve high compression ratio (CR) with reduced transmission time. The simulation experiments have been conducted with the database consisting of variety of color medical images with varying sizes and resolutions. From the simulation results it is confirmed that the proposed algorithm yields better CR than existing algorithms and JPEG 2000 and also proves to be efficient in reduction in transmission time also. Hence, this algorithm will pave the path for improved system of telemedicine and band effective storage.
Public healthcare system, color medical image compression, compression ratio, Huffman coding, ripplet transform, transmission time
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