ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

C. Chellaram and J.K.P. Edward
*Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. R.R. Dr. S.R. Engineering College, Avadi. Chennai – 600 062, India.
Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute, Tuticorin – 628 001, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2009;3(2):649-654
© The Author(s). 2009
Received: 02/03/2009 | Accepted: 13/04/2009| Published: 31/10/2009

Bacteria associated with the soft coral, Lobophytum sp. was cultured in a varied combination of low to high nutrient media. Each of the media was supplemented with sodium pyruvate. This study was aimed to find out whether the addition of sodium pyruvate to all solid media, could significantly increase the recovery of microbes. Microorganisms on maltose amended seawater agar were highly recovered in the supplemented media than on non-supplemented media. These findings suggest that the addition of sodium pyruvate to solid growth and isolation media may improve recoverability of microorganisms from soft coral. The results also indicated that the higher percentage of the antagonistic bacteria was found on supplemented media when compared to that of the non-supplemented media and hence the highest percentage of antagonistic bacteria were found to be exhibited by the supplemented media of MA+SE media.


Soft corals, Different media, Bacterial recoverability, Antagonistic activity

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