The bacterial strains were isolated from the dead termites collected around Mudigere taluk, Western Ghats of Karnataka. The isolated bacterial cultures were inoculated for three species of termites and mortality was recorded. Odontotermes wallonensis against entomopathogenic bacteria were screened and the DMRT analysis done for Bacillus subtilies, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonus florescens, Streptococcus aureus and Bacillus thuringiensis, with control of termites both castes of worker and soldier at different time intervals of 12 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs, 48 hrs and 60 hrs respectively. After 36 – 48 hrs exposure period mortality was high in B. thuringiensis and recorded lowest LT 50 value followed by B. subtilies, P. fluorescens, B. cereus, S. aureus among workers and soldier. Odontotermes brunneus also showed similar results with high mortality rate at 36- 48 hrs of exposure period among four isolates. At 60 hrs of exposure to B. thuringiensis we found 100 % mortality of termites. In Odontotermes obesus initially mortality was low but gradually increased at 36-48 hours exposure. Among different isolates B. thuringiensis showed 100 % mortality of both workers and soldiers. Hence,
B. thuringiensis can be used as good biopesticide to control termite population to reduce damage in forest nurseries and plantations.
Entomopathogens, Bacteria, Termites, Mortality
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