Results obtained in our study suggest that introduction of microorganism strains into rhizosphere of plants and epiphytic microflora of tomato seeds causes changes in composition of microbial environment of seed surface resulting in increase in diversity of microorganisms. Inoculation of tomato seeds by strains – bio-agents of bio-fertilizers, namely Azotobacter vinelandii 10702 – Azotobacterin, Enterobacter nimipressuralis 32-3 – Phosphoenterin, Paenibacillus polymyxa P – Biopolicide and Rhizobium radiobacter 10, which is a basis of Agrophyl, causes changes in composition of microbial diversity of seed surface, which is observed during the entire period of storage. Microorganisms are able to stay preserved on the surface of tomato seeds, with the longest period of time observed for sporous strain Paenibacillus polymyxa P. High rate of reproduction of Enterobacter nimipressuralis 32-3 strain at the beginning of the seed storage allows the occupation of the niche for long period of time. Inoculation of seeds with non-spore-forming Rhizobium radiobacter 10 and Azotobacter vinelandii 10702 strains causes similar effect on epiphytes formation, promotes increase in diversity of strains even after 78 months of storage, according to the highest Shennon indices of 1.739 and 1.749, respectively, and the lowest indices of domination – 0.2777 and 0.3614, compared to 0.5297 and 0.7829 in control. We also observed an increase in vigour of tomato seeds obtained from inoculated plants as a result of the influence of strains.
microorganisms, strains, tomato seeds, germination, epiphytes, diversity index
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