Actinomycetes are best known for their ability to produce antibiotics and are gram positive bacteria which comprise a group of branching unicellular microorganisms.In this study, we revealed rapid detection of streptomycin – producing Streptomyces sp. By extraction of total soil DNA from 16 soil samples using a modified lysis method followed by PCR amplification of a genus specific sequence in the Streptomyces 16S r DNA gene. DNA band of the expected size was seen with the sample (MMKK5_1492R_S0068 (850 bp). Additionally16S rDNA fragment was amplified by PCR from MMKK-5 genomic DNA using 16S rDNA universal primers:8F and 1492R. These results indicate that PCR amplification of Streptomyces specific genes could be used for direct detection of streptomycin – producing Streptomyces rochei from coal mine soil of Andhra Pradesh
Actinomycetes, 16 s rDNA, Amplification
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