Ethanol is one of the most important fuels. To access an enhanced yield of ethanol and alleviated effect of inhibitor compounds like furfural, a native strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was mutated by ultra violet radiation. For realizing the enzymes, expression of which, have been changed in mutant strain, a comparative proteome analysis was performed. Mutant strain was resistant against 4 g/l of furfural and its ethanol production yield was 39% more than parent one. Proteome analysis of both strains revealed significant changes in 3 enzymes were involved in ethanol production, glycolysis pathway and antioxidative Stress ,. These enzymes are known to have key roles in metabolism of energy and resistance against environmental stresses. The observed changes in expression of these proteins are vital for effective and purposeful strategies for designing of recombinant strains.
Bioethanol, Furfural, Mutation, Proteomics, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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