Five local fowl were brought for postmortem examination with a history of sudden death in the area of Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.). The gross examination of birds revealed multiple light whitish nodules around the eye, on the skin at the level of hock joint, on the anterior part of tracheal mucosa, congested lung and pallor liver. Impression smears from nodules revealed numerous heterophils, red blood cells, necrotic epithelial cells and bacterial colonies. Histopathological examination of nodules revealed eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions (Bollinger bodies) in keratinocytes, epidermal hyperplasia and necrosis with ballooning degeneration, and bacterial colonies. The virus was isolated and infection was produced on both chorioallantoic membrane and BGM70. Polymerase chain reaction was carried out and primer set designed from the 4b core protein gene of fowl poxvirus revealed amplification at 576bp.
Avianpox virus, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), BGM-70, Chorioallantoic membrane.
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