Impact of hepatitis C infection is emerging in India .Indian blood banking has serious shortcomings.There is reuse of improprerly sterilized needles.Both these factors are potential souces of spread of hepatitis C in India.Hepatitis C is emerging as serious threat to human by causing serious morbidity and mortality .This study was conducted to observed seropositivity of hepatitis C. The study was done in the department of Microbiology ,Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College and Research Center over a period of one year. Serum sample of 13189 patients attending the hospital were collected and tested for Hepatitis C virus over a period of one year. .Sample were tested for hepatitis C virus by card test and ELISA test. 13189 patients attending the hospital were tested for HCV .Out of 13189 patients 402(3.04%) patients were found positive by both rapid card test and ELISA. Maximum 99(24.62%) cases were detected positive between 21-30 years. Hepatitis C is an emerging infection in India. Prevention should target those at risk of acquiring the hepatitis C virus and should be provided education ,risk reduction councelling,HCV screening and substance abuse treatment.
Hepatitis C, Seropositivity, emerging, bloodborne, Hepatitis
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