A field study was conducted in Rabi season of year 2009-10 at the Agronomy Farm of SKUAST-J to studygrowth, yield and economics of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as influenced by phosphorus and bio-fertilizers under subtropical conditions of Jammu. Results revealed that among various levels of phosphorus and bio-fertilizers, 100 per cent recommended dose of phosphorus and dual inoculation of Rhizobium + PSB recorded significantly higher values of growth and yield attributes studied. Recommended dose of phosphorus recorded seed yield of 15.85 q ha-1 with a benefit cost ratio of 1.86 than other phosphorus levels and control. Among seed inoculation treatments, dual inoculation of Rhizobium + PSB produced significantly higher seed yield of 15.01 q ha-1 and benefit cost ratio of 1.77 than inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB alone, but significantly superior over control. The interaction effect of phosphorus and bio-fertilizers was significant on number and dry weight of root nodules and seed yield.
Field pea, Phosphorus, Bio-fertilizers, Growth and yield
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