Over the years, blister beetle, Mylabris pustulata (Thunberg) has emerged as a major insect-pest of pigeonpea crop in Punjab. Efforts were made to evaluate the field efficacy of some native Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) isolates against the beetle during kharif 2014 along with standard Bt and recommended insecticide. The trial compared beetle mortalities that resulted from the Bt treatments with those resulting from a commercial insecticide treatment. Results indicated that foliar spray of native Bt isolates @ 1.0% resulted in 33.33-36.66 per cent beetle mortality after 72 hours of foliar application as against the recommended insecticide, which gave 100 per cent pest control. Though the level of beetle mortality due to the native Bt isolates is significantly low, studies such as this have great potential in reducing the selection pressures and development of resistance to conventional insecticides in insect pests.
Bacillus thuringiensis, Mylabris pustulata, Pigeonpea, Field Efficacy, Molecular Characterization
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