Identify the main factors that Influences the decision of the population to reject the immunization against human influenza AH1N1. Cross-sectional Study with systematic random sampling, Conducted in January- June 2014 in patients over 18 Attended WHO consultation in Pachuquilla Health Center, Hidalgo. Personally a survey was Applied to each individually Who Was in the waiting room area. A Total of 439 subjects (57.63% male, 42.36% female) on Which ITS decision was Questioned Regarding the vaccine against human influenza Were included: 72.34% HAD Vaccinated with previously accepted, 27.65% Mentioned Having rejected the vaccine. The main causes Associated With The rejection of the vaccine include: Alleged immunity to the virus (OR = 3.5595), fear of vaccines (OR = 2.469), female sex (OR = 1.275), go to the area of general practice care (OR = 1.253), other factors (OR = 1.315). The population Reported a high percentage of rejection of the vaccine against human influenza (27.65%) When Compared to the literature (9.4%). The main reason why people choose to refuse immunization is the fear of vaccines. A factor in particular, That shows a higher rejection rate in women is emphasized.
Decision, Factors associated, Immunization, Influenza AH1N1, Vaccine-rejection
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