The largest segment of the movable part is the lumbar vertebrae that are composed of vertebral column, starting at the top from L1 to L5. The spinal column, or the backbone, is primarily made up of vertebrae discs, and the spinal cord. The 24 articulating vertebrae, and nine fused vertebrae in the sacrum and the coccyx will combine to form the vertebral column. The inter vertebral discs are used to separate the vertebral columns that are situated in the dorsal aspect of the torso. The commonly specified word spine or simply backbone is said to be the house that protects the spinal cord in its spinal canal. Signals are transmitted and received through the spinal cord which acts as a communication conduit for the brains. It is otherwise known as vertebral column. It consists of 24 separate bony vertebrae together with 5 fused vertebrae. The disc strength and flexibility required to bear the load of the lumbar spine, is provided by means of the unique interaction between the solid and fluid components. The Segmentation of Spine Image between lumbar spines and CT scan spine disc images are done using Bilateral Filter and Canny Edge Detection Algorithm. It is clear that the canny edge detection provides better result than that of other edge detection algorithm. The most difficult problem is to find the correct boundary in a noisy image of spine disc. A standard result can be used to find out absolute edges from noisy images. An optimal solution is produced by the canny edge detection algorithm as that of the original solution. It works efficiently for all kinds of noisy images
Spine Disc image, Finite Element Modelling, Bilateral Filter, Canny Edge Detection, CT scan, Magnitude and Edge Length
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