Manual Material Handling like lifting is risk to many and considered the cause of back pain and other joint impairments. This problem leads to increased worker compensation and loss of productive man-hours. Approximately one third of all jobs in industry involve Manual Material Handling. Low back pain is one of the most prevalent and costly work related injuries. A finite elements model studies about the analysis of stresses on all Human knee joints. The analysis has been proposed to develop using Image processing techniques soft computing like MAT Lab and ANSYS. The effort to be taken for in vivo and in vitro data collection and analysis are reduced considerably in the finite element modeling. A biomechanical model has been proposed to develop for optimizing the lifting posture for minimum effort. The model may also be used to predict the lifting capabilities of individuals. The study can be extended to include the loading of the muscles.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Human Joints, Finite Element Modeling, ANSYS, Image Processing
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