The situation on rabies among animals and people in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kostanay region is very disturbing. Special concern is caused by the steady growth of number of people, victims of stings, mutilations and injuries of wild, domestic and farm animals. The role of wild animals as a tank of formation of the natural centers is opened and defined, seasonality, frequency, intensity of epizootic process, its activation are established, the diagnostic value of various methods is determined, the main directions of prevention and measures of fight are planned. It is the strict account; preventive vaccination farm and domestic animals; constant over places of a congestion of wild animals and regulation of number of a livestock of wolves, foxes, corsac foxes, according to recommendations of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and World Health Organization (WHO), and also stray dogs and cats in the cities and villages; sanitary and educational and explanatory work among inhabitants, school students and cattle breeders. In zones of stationary trouble it is necessary to increase quantity to 50 briquettes for oral immunization by each square kilometer of the territory. For search of places of a congestion of animals and an apportion of briquettes for oral vaccination small aircraft should be widely used. The comparative analysis about dependence of emergence of unsuccessful points on rabies of animals from quantity of the used vaccine for oral immunization is carried out. For prevention and fight against rabis the state program is necessary for the Republic, and for Kostanay region.
Rabies, Epizootology, Epidemiological situation, Diagnostics, Prevention, Vaccine, Oral immunization
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