ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

R.B. Srivastava1 , P.K. Upadhyay2 and S.K. Sinha3
1Department of Botany, Amardeep (PG) College, Firozabad – 283 203, India.
2Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, R.B.S. (PG) College, Agra, India.
3Retd. Reader, Department of Botany, Agra College, Agra, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2012;6(2):967-970
© The Author(s). 2012
Received: 12/04/2011 | Accepted: 24/05/2011 | Published: 30/06/2012

The study of nutritional broth for the production of antibiotic substance was obtained by selection on growing the strain Streptomyces carcinomycicus on 9 different nutrients broths including both natural & synthetic viz. Beef extract broth, yeast extract broth, Oat meal broth, Glycerol asparagine broth, soluble starch broth, soyabean meal broths, Glucose broth, Glucose asparagine broth & Modified glucose asparagine broth. The strain was found to grow both in natural & synthetic media. Beef extract, Glucose broth, Oat meal broth supported the maximum production of antibiotic substance giving 98.28%, 97.62%, 94.00% inhibition respectively. Modified Glucose asparagine was next best giving 86.91% inhibition. Modified glucose asparagine medium was selected as the production medium for further experimentation because the constituents of the medium are chemically defined. The assaying was done by spore germination test in all the experiment and the antibiotic potency was calculated in term of percentage inhibition of spore germination. The growth of actinomycetes was determined in  terms of mycelial dry weight in grams.


Nutritional broths, antibiotic activity, actinomycetes, Hanging drop method

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