ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Gaurav U. Karad , N.B. Babariya, M.B. Viradiya, J.K. Parmar, S. D. Deshmukh and K.B. Polara
Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, 362 001, Gujarat, India.
J. Pure Appl. Microbiol., 2016, 10 (1): 787-793
© The Author(s). 2016
Received: 10/01/2016 | Accepted: 20/02/2016 | Published: 31/03/2016

The effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on active pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) under groundnut-wheat cropping sequence of a Haplustepts soil, was studied in a long-term field experiment initiated during kharif1999 at Junagadh, Gujarat. Effect of varying doses of N, NP, NPK with FYM, Zn, S and Rhizobium on active pools of SOC viz., soil microbial biomass carbon, soil microbial biomass nitrogen,soil microbial biomass phosphorus; water soluble carbon; water soluble carbohydrates and dehydrogenase activity after 12th year of groundnut-wheat crop sequence was studied. Application of 50% NPK + FYM @ 10 t ha-1to groundnut and 100% NPK to wheat significantly increased the microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C), soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMB-N), soil microbial biomass phosphorus (SMB-P) water soluble carbon (WS-OC) water soluble carbohydrates (WS-CHO) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA). Integrated use of FYM with chemical fertilizers or use of FYM alone exerted significant effect on the active pools of soil organic carbon.


Integrated Nutrient Management, Active pools, Soil organic carbon and Soil organic matter.

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