| © The Author(s). 2019
The current study undertaken in the broiler farm belonging to Department of Animal Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kufa during the period of 13/8/2014 to 17/9/2014 to investigate the effects of corn fermented by S.cerevisiae (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diets on production performance of broiler chicks. 1gm of S.cerevisiae per 1kg of feed. 120 one day of age and unsexed chicks (Ross 308) were used with average weight of 40.5 gm/ chick. Four treatments were used: T1(standard diet contained unfermented corn), T2 (standard diet with contained fermented corn for 6 hr), T3(standard diet with contained fermented corn for 12 hr and T4(standard diet contained fermented corn for 24 hr. Results showed a significant effect (P£0.05) of T4 on live body weight, cumulative body gain and economic figure compared with the other treatments. Significant increase in chicks fed on T4 in feed consumption while no significant effect of fermented corn addition on final feed conversion and viability.
Feed, yeast, broiler, corn, fermentation.
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