In this research, yeast flora of Kalecik Karasi (KK) and Emir (E) grape varieties grown in Cappadocia region and diversity of the yeast species during spontaneous fermentation of these grapes, were investigated. Yeast isolates were identified by using API ID 32C system and some complementary identification tests. Total of 128 isolates were obtained and 123 of them could be identified. Sixtyone identified KK isolates were grouped in 12 species; Candida colliculosa, C. holmii, C. krusei, C. pulcherrima, C. robusta, Kloeckera apiculata, K. apis, K. lindneri, Cryptococcus albidus, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Stephanoascus smithiae. Sixtytwo identified E isolates were grouped in 9 species; C. ethanolica, C. krusei, C. pulcherrima, C. robusta, K. apiculata, K. lindneri, Pichia anomala, S. cerevisiae, Ste. smithiae. K. apiculata was dominant for both grape varieties. The most aboundant species was S. cerevisiae during each fermentation. Besides S. cerevisae, C. holmii, C. krusei and Tp. delbrueckii existed till the end of KK fermentation. Comparatively, C. krusei and Ste. smithiae were dominant at the last stages of E fermentation. This study may provide an essential initiative step to uncover hidden oenological charactersitics specific for Cappadocia region by investigating the wealth of yeast biodiversity in spontaneous KK and E fermentations.
Endogenic yeast, wine, spontaneous fermentation, Identification, Kalecik Karasi grape, Emir grape
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