ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Fei Duan1 and Tong Liu2
1Division of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639 798 Singapore.
2Precision Measurements Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology,
638 075 Singapore.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2010;4(1):17-21
© The Author(s). 2010
Received: 18/02/2010 | Accepted: 21/04/2010| Published: 30/04/2010

The water containing viable Cryptosporidium oocysts was scanned before or after the microwave heating under a micro X-ray computed tomography system. Cryptosporidium oocysts clusters, found in the specimens without the heating, vanished after 30-second heating when the water temperature approached 100 degree C. After the aqueous specimens were dried, the image analysis indicated that the dried remainder in the specimen without the heating was darker and in rectangular shapes, but whiter and irregular in the specimen after 30-second heating. The preliminary results suggest the low-energy X-ray source should be applied for the aqueous specimens.


Microwave heating, micro X-ray computed tomography scan, Cryptosporidium oocysts, water

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