Milky mushroom is the third most largely growing mushrooms and has the good demand in the market and world trade too. An experimental was carried out with five strains of Calocybe indica viz. CI-4, CI-13, CI-14, CI-15 and CI-18 for growth behaviour and yield potential. Minimum spawn run period was observed from CI-14 and CI-4 where completed in 15.66 days while CI-15 took maximum time to complete spawn run (18 days). Pinhead was appeared early (28 days) in CI-14 while strain CI-15 took maximum time to initiate pin head (34 days). The harvesting of 1st, 2nd and 3rd flushes were completed early (35, 47 and 58.33 days respectively) from strain CI-14 followed CI-4, CI-18, CI-13 and CI-15. Mushroom strain CI-14 was better in performance for total number of fruit bodies (25), total length of mushroom (10.41 cm) and cap diameter (8.50 cm) but in strain CI-13 length of stalk was better (7.81 cm). The strain CI-18 showed better performance for stalk diameter (3.17 cm) followed by CI-13 (3.03cm), CI-14 (2.97 cm), CI-4 (2.50 cm) and CI-15 (4.71 cm). Finally strain CI-14 was in better performance while CI-13 showed lowest yield. Highest average yield of 1st 2nd and 3rd flush was obtained from CI-14 (441.67g, 285g and 85g). The total yield was also better for CI-14 (811.67g). This experiment will help to mushroom growers for selection of mushroom strains for obtaining better growth behaviour and yield potential of milky mushroom (Calocybe indica).
Calocybe indica; strains, spawn, growth behaviour and yield potential
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