In the present investigation an attempt has been made to study glyphosate, Diclofop-methyl and Pendimethalin and fenvalerate induced changs in protein submits the herbicide-tolerant fungi isolated from pesticides polluted-soil. Severely loss in the total soluble cell ions (SCI) and total cell protein percentage (TCPC) concentrations was observed. For glyphosate, Aspergillus flavus (86.30%) was the most affected one, followed by Penicillium spiculisporus (76.30%), Penicillium verruculosum (64.40%) and Alternaria tenuissima (64%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited <50% in total SCI. For Pendimethalin, Alternaria tenuissima (54.01%) was the most affected fungi followed by Penicillium spinulosum (50.68%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited <50% in total SCI. For Diclofop-methyl, Penicillium spiculisporus (74.20%) was the most affected fungi followed by Aspergillus tamarii (70.67%), Aspergillus niger (56.16%), Aspergillus terreus (54.67%) and Alternaria tenuissima (58.82%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited d” 50% SCI. The loss of TCPC by Glyphosate, Alternaria tenuissima (64.71%) was the most effected fungi, followed by Penicillium spiculisporus (57.14%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited <50%. For Pendimethalin, A. terreus (54.29%) was the most affected fungi followed by Alternaria tenuissima (50.00%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited <50%. For Diclofop-methyl, Penicillium spiculisporus (60%), followed by Alternaria tenuissima (58.82%), Aspergillus tamarii (55.56%), respectively. The other fungal strains exhibited <50%. The results proved changes in protein profile induced in herbicide-tolerant fungi.
Herbicides, Tolerance, Fungi, Polluted-soil, DNA, protein
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