Eight antagonistic fungi; Chaetomium spp., Aspergillus versicolar, A. terreus, Talaromyces (Penicillium) wortmanni, Epicoccum sp., Trichoderma viride, T. harzianum and T. hamatum were isolated from sclerotia of R. solani infested tomatoes growing under greenhouse in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. T. hamatum, T. harzianum, T. viride and A. terreus were the most antagonistic against R. solani by 94.44, 93.89, 92.22 and 75.22% reduction in mycelia growth, respectively. Where, A. terreus and T. viride were found to affect sclerotial viability of R. solani, caused 100% mortality of sclerotia. Greenhouse tests showed that the most effective treatment was the amendment of pathogen-infested soil by T. hamatum and T. viride which resulted in a disease severity of 12.50 and 12.90%, respectively compared to controls. Application of bioagents soil fungi significantly increased biomass of total fresh weight. The highest of biomass% (47.02) was observed in T. harzianum and the lowest biomass% (2.86) was obtained with A. terreus.
Stem canker, Rot root. Tomato, Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus terreus
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