In the present study the biochemical analysis and growth response of Black Pepper and Sorghum inoculated with mycorrhiza from different crop management systems was done. There were three experiments in which the first experiment was on growth response of black pepper to the inoculation of mycorrhiza from different crop management systems. In second experiment black pepper and sorghum were inoculated with mycorrhiza from different crop management systems. In third experiment sorghum was inoculated with mycorrhiza from different crop management systems. Black pepper and sorghum were inoculated with mycorrhiza from the organic soil, inorganic soil, natural soil, Glomus fasciculatum and control. Plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum showed highest phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen content. Plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum recorded increased biomass than uninoculated control plants. The effect of inoculation of AM fungi on plant height of black pepper and sorghum was significantly higher than the uninoculated control plants. The increase in plant height may be due to increase in higher phosphorus uptake and growth promoting activities by the AM fungi.
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Black pepper, Sorghum, Glomus fasciculatum, Growth response and Biochemical analysis
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