ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Asma A. Al-Huqail1, M.M. Ibrahim1,2, Maysa M.A. Hatata2 and Gehan A. Elgaaly1
1Department of Botany and Microbiology, Science College, King Saud University,
P.O. Box, 22452, Riyadh, 11495 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2Alexandria University, Faculty of Science, Botany and Microbiology department,
P. O. Box 21511 Alexandria, Egypt.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2014;8(1):593-599
© The Author(s). 2014
Received: 11/12/2013 | Accepted: 02/02/2014 | Published: 28/02/2014

The present study was undertaken to assess the toxicity of Al3+ on photosynthetic pigments, total soluble protein and MDA contents as well as the activities of SOD, CAT and POD in Zea mays leaves after 6-days of supplying aluminum in the nutrient solution. The results indicated that aluminum stress treatment adversely affected plant growth and disturbed the cell metabolism seriously. The development of toxic symptoms, corresponded to a high accumulation of Al3+, were due to the increase in MDA content, to the decrease in soluble protein contents and to the much elevated SOD and POD activities in leaves. In addition, the results demonstrated that exposure to high concentration of aluminum (Al3+ > 20 ppm) could result the disintegration of antioxidant system in maize seedlings. Also, the significant decrease in the contents of photosynthetic pigments was related to high-level metal stress. The outcome of this study corroborate that Zea mays is a suitable candidate for the phytoremediation of low-level aluminum contaminated soil.


Aluminum, Antioxidant, Protein, Photosynthetic pigments, phytoremediation

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