There is and controversial evidence regarding the association of ABO blood groups with laryngeal cancers worldwide. There has been no published study containing information on the association between ABO blood groups and laryngeal cancers among Iranian population. Sixty-sex patients with laryngeal cancer in Ahvaz Imam-Khomeini Hospital (Ahvaz, Iran) during 2003 to 2013 were studied as compared to 148 healthy individuals regarding their ABO/Rh blood groups. ABO blood groups and laryngeal cancer were not significantly associated (c2=3.78, p=0.278). The power of our study was 99.37% and 76.89% for ABO and Rh blood groups, respectively. Therefore, we do not report significant relationship between ABO/Rh blood groups and laryngeal cancer in Iranian population.
Iranian Population, ABO blood Groups, Laryngeal Cancers, Association
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