Medicinal plants interred in manufacturing the traditional medicine since very old times and were commonly used for the handling of bacteria, viruses and microbes diseases. In this study, we prepared four dilutions of (100,10-1,10-2,10-3 ) mangifera extract. The four diluted extracts were treated with two types of tissue culture cells (primary fetal calve to culture of kidneys cells as well as chicken embryo fibroblast) to distinguish the extract. We found that the 10-1 dilution has the lowest cytotoxicity on the cells and the highest antiviral activity from the three other dilutions. To confirm this result, we used a real time PCR test to detect the quantity of the viral load yield (CT value). The positive control shows the CT value to be around 22 (group 3) which indicates to the high viral load (treated with 10-1 mangifera extract). A CT value of more than 28 indicates lower values of virus loading and showed the anti-virus activity to extract on influenza virus.
Antiviral Activity, Mangifera Extract, Influenza virus.
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