The present study was designed and executed to screen bacterial endophytes from medicinal plant Annona squamosa L. The obtained isolates were evaluated for antimicrobial activity, based on the higher inhibitory activity further studies were carried out. Among the isolated endophytes, fluorescent bacteria expressed significant activity against the all test pathogens which was the subject of the present investigation. Based on the 16s rRNA and biochemical tests, the bacterium belonged to the genus Pseudomonas sp. Crude ethyl acetate extract of the isolate was evaluated for antimicrobial activity against clinically important Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria via disc diffusion assay, minimal inhibitory concentration and bioautography. MIC concentration of the ethyl acetate extract varied from 0.19 µg mL-1 to 25.0 µg mL-1 against the test pathogens. Further purification and characterization of crude ethyl acetate extract will be promising enough to reveal any novel metabolites of pharmaceutical importance.
Bacterial endophytes, antimicrobial activity, fluorescent Pseudomonas sp
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