ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Gorkem Dulger1 and Basaran Dulger2
1Department of Medical Biology, Duzce University, Faculty of Medicine, 81620, Konuralp/Duzce, Turkey.
2Department of Biology, Duzce University, Faculty of Science and Arts, 81620, Konuralp/Duzce, Turkey.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2014;8(1):563-567
© The Author(s). 2014
Received: 10/03/2013 | Accepted: 14/04/2013 | Published: 28/02/2014

Methanol, dichloromethane and hexane extracts of Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot (Chlorophyta) were tested for antibacterial activity against common fish pathogens (Aeromonas hydrophila, Yersinia ruckeri, Streptococcus agalactia and Enterococcus faecalis) by microdilution method.  The hexane extract of the alga has shown a strong antibacterial activity as MIC and MBC against Aeromonas hydrophila at 64 (>128) µg/mL concentrations and Yersinia ruckeri at 128 (128) µg/mL concentrations, respectively. While methanol extracts showed weak antibacterial activity against all bacterial pathogens, the dichloromethane extracts showed activity against the test microorganisms. The results demonstrate that the hexane extract of the alga has significant antibacterial activity and suggest that it may be useful in the treatment of bacterial fish diseases.


Macroalgae, Codium fragile, Antibacterial activity, Fish pathogens

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