| © The Author(s). 2019
Diabetes mellitus has emerged as a pandemic affecting both the genders and all the age groups. This metabolic disorder is classically notorious to cause retinopathy, neuropathy, micro and macro vascular complications including brain damage, cardiac disorders and nephropathy and renders patients to develop various kinds of infections Ginger, Nigella sativa and Punica granatum are strong antioxidants and possess antimicrobial activity. While the Metformin is known to reduce the insulin resistance. In present study we examined the influence of Ginger, Nigella sativa, Punica granatum and Metformin on the prevention and treatment of bone damage and infections due to Diabetes Mellitus in STZ-induced diabetes in male Wistar albino rats. 40 rats were used in the study, and it was observed that all the studied substances prevented infections and bone damage at the same time, significant increase was found in the bone volume, strength, density, and length in comparison to diabetic rats.
Diabetes mellitus, Infection, Animal model, animicrobial activity.
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