Bacterial biofilms, structured communities of microorganisms enmeshed in an extracellular matrix, have emerged as significant players in various pathological processes. Renal calculi, commonly known as kidney stones, pose a prevalent medical concern, and recent research has highlighted the potential influence of bacterial biofilms in their formation and persistence. This review explores the development of biofilms on the surface of urinary tract stones and how they create a favorable environment for the colonization of bacteria. This colonization, in turn, can lead to chronic infections, stone enlargement, and recurrent stone formation. This review offers a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic interplay between bacterial biofilms and renal calculi. It emphasizes the role of biofilm-related mechanisms in chronic infections, inflammation, and mineral deposition, underscoring the potential for innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at managing and preventing biofilm-associated renal calculi.
Renal Calculi, Biofilm, Biofilm-producing Bacteria, Nephrolithiasis
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