Among actinobacteria, the genus Streptomyces are found in abundance in specific soil environments. Streptomyces are cultivable using Streptomyces-specific media, including starch casein, yeast extract, or ISP 2 media. Streptomyces isolates can be identified based on their macroscopic culture morphology and microscopic observations, and can be taxonomically placed within the Streptomyces genus. In the present study, mangrove soil samples collected from the coast of Mangalore harboring a multitude of microorganisms were enriched with calcium carbonate and pre-heated to isolate Streptomyces organisms. Cultures were quantified in colony forming units and their diversity was evaluated based on phenotypic features, enzyme hydrolysis, biochemical testing, and antibiotic sensitivity tests. The cross streaking method was used to select Streptomyces isolates, which were then further subjected to intracellular buffer extraction and evaluated against test organisms to determine their antibacterial efficacy. This study highlights the occurrence of prominent Streptomyces species with effective antibacterial activity in a unique environmental habitat of mangrove soil on the Mangalore coast.
Mangrove-soil, Streptomyces, Slide Culturing, Antibacterial Activity, Cross Streak, Intracellular Extraction
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