Water is essential to life. The existence of all forms of life is dependent on an adequate water supply. The exigent need for water supply in homes prompted the construction of water sources and water storage devices in the homes. This however does not guarantee that the water is safe to drink. If the water is safe at the source, it may be contaminated during transportation storage and drawing at home. This study was carried out to determine the microbial counts, antibiotics susceptibility and plasmid profile of bacteria isolates from household water distribution tanks in the Ado-Ekiti metropolis. The total bacteria and coliform counts were determined using the pour plating technique. The antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolates was determined using the disc diffusion technique while the plasmid profile of the isolates was determined using the alkaline lysis method and agar gel electrophoresis. The mean total bacteria count of the water sample was 6.96 log10 CFU/ml, while the mean total of coliform count is 5.50 log10 CFU/ml. The isolates with multiple antibiotics resistance belonged to five bacteria genera namely: Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Proteus. The plasmid analysis showed that four of the resistant strains had multiple plasmids, Enterobacter aerogens had 3 plasmids (1kb, 1.5kb and 2kb), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella aerogens had two plasmids (1kb, 1.5kb) respectively while Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia coli had no plasmid.
Water sanitation, coliforms, plasmids, Antibiotic susceptibility, water storage tanks
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