Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammatory disease with chronic nature of joints related to autoimmunity. Vitamin D was found to modulate cell growth, function of immune cells and anti-inflammatory action. The aims of that study were to investigate serum level of vitamin D and some cytokines and to identify the correlation between vitamin D and these cytokines in RA. Totally 40 RA patients without vitamin D supplement were involved in this study. Serum level of vitamin D, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10, IL-35, C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), all of them were measure in all patients by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Patients were classified according to Vitamin D levels into two groups; RA patients with Vit. D deficiency (n=25) and RA patients with Vit. D sufficiency (n=15). IL-6 was lower significantly (P = 0.03) in RA patients with Vit. D sufficiency than RA patients with Vit. D deficiency. IL-10 and IL-35 were higher significantly (P = 0.0234, P = 0.0356 respectively) in RA patients with Vit. D sufficiency than RA patients with Vit. D deficiency. Vit. D was significantly positively correlated with both IL-10 (r = 0.4516, P = 0.0034) and IL-35 (r = 0.3424, P = 0.0329) and negatively correlated with IL-6 (r = -0.3188, P = 0.0479). Sufficient serum level of Vit. D is correlated with higher level of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-35) and lower level of IL-6. This support the immunomodulatory effect of Vit. D in RA.
Vitamin D, Rheumatoid Arthritis, pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, cytokines
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