The aim of this study was to investigate the percentage of opportunistic fungi and evaluate the diversity of yeasts and moulds associated with pulmonary diseases in camels in Wasit, Iraq. A total of 200 nasal cavity swabs (two swabs for each camel) were taken with sterile cotton swabs from 100 camels of different ages, sexes and areas. The results showed that 60 (60%) samples from 100 camels were positive for the occurrence of moulds and yeasts isolates, which classified into (16) species (37%) of moulds and (9) species (23%) of yeasts. In this study which revealed most frequent molds isolates were Asperigellius spp. specific A.fumigatus at percentage 7 (7%) followed by A.niger 5 (5%), 3(3%) for each A.flavus and A.terrus and Aspergillus spp 1(1%). On the other hand other molds Penicillum rubrum 3(3%), Penicillum spp.1(1%) followed by 2(2%) for Alternaria alternata ; Cladosporium; Mucor circinelloides; Mucor hiemalis and Mucor spp. and 1(1%) for Rizopus spp; Alternerria spp; Fusarium solani and Fusarium spp. were identifying. Also through this study shown the total isolation of yeasts were 23(%23) out of 100 camels revealed mainly frequent isolate were Candida spp. particular C.albicans at percentage 6 (6%) followed by 3(3%) for C.krusei; C. parapsilosis; C. tropicals and C. glabrata 1(1%). Other yeasts also can be identified such as Cryptococcus neoformans 2(2%); Geotricum candidum 2(2%) and 1(1%) for Malassezia spp. This study showed increases of moulds and yeasts isolation in camels with the increase age of animals. In conclusion: showed wide diversity of moulds and yeasts species isolated from camels, the most common molds isolate were Asperigellius spp. particular A.fumigatus while generally common yeasts isolate were Candida spp. specific C.albicans and increases of moulds and yeasts isolation in camels with the increase age of animals.
Opportunistic Fungi, A. fumigatus, C. albicans, Camels in Wasit, Nasal cavity swabs, Wasit University, Iraq
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