ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Open Access
Roya Torabizadeh1,2 ,Gita Eslami2, Mohammad Hossein Dehghantarzejani3, Zahra Zahirnia2 and Malihe Habibi2
1Departement of Medical Microbiology, Alborz university of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran.
2Departement of Medical Microbiology, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3Departement of Medical Biochemistry, Alborz University of  Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2016;10(4):2669-2672 | © The Author(s). 2016
Received: 30/08/2016 | Accepted: 28/09/2016 | Published: 31/12/2016

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) consist of Neisseria gonoroheae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Syphilis and Trichomonyasis are a major public health concern. The prevalence of these organisms are increasing level because of homosexuality, migration and resistance to antibacterial agents and also usage of high technique for diagnosis of infection, according to WHO information 88 million people from 448 million which infected with STD, is Neisseria gonoroheae, whereas, Iran as a developing country have not complete prevalence information about Neisseria gonoroheae. In this study it has been tried to estimate the prevalence of Neisseria among Iranian women with phenotypin and genotyping methods. 300 specimens were enrolled in the present investigation which collected from women with genital problems. Dacron swab samples were cultured in chocolate agar in 37°C with 5-10% CO2 for 24-48 hours. Gram staining, oxidase and carbohydrate utilization tests were used to identify the isolated species. Extraction of DNA of all isolates recognize as Neisseria gonoroheae. PCR for amplification of 390 bp  fragment of CPPB plasmid for confirmation of isolates were performed. From 300 specimens, 7 isolates recognize as Neisseria gonoroheae with culture and PCR methods. It means N. gonorrhoeae was detected in 2.6% cases which enrolled in this study. The study revealed that although  primary report found no prevalence of gonorrohea in Iran but other study revealed different prevalence of bacteria in Iran, even in the recent  studies, the results are very near to this result with consideration that gonoccocal infection have different sequelle in young age or pregnant women so  it is very important that with culture or PCR methods, screening of bacteria should be done.


Phenotyping and Genotyping methods, STD, Neisseria gonoroheae.

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