The ecological success of microbes in consortium which was otherwise compatible in plate assay was evaluated in mung bean in this study. It was found that even though they show compatibility in plate assay, they may not always have synergistic effects when applied as consortium in the crop. Three isolates from rice rhizosphere (RI-3, RII-4 and RIII-4) were tested in single, dual and triple inoculants consortium in mungbean. Plants were raised in green house with eight treatments containing single, dual and triple inoculant consortium with appropriate control to check the ecological compatibility of three selected strains. The isolates were found enhancing seed germination, leaf emergence, 50% flowering, chlorophyll content, number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, protein content and nutrient uptakeby plants as compared to control (untreated plants). Results were pronounced in sterilised soils than unsterlised soil. Higher seed yield was recorded in sterilized soil from dual inoculation of RI-3+RII-4 (10.21g/plant) and RI-3+RIII-4 (9.75g/plant) as compared to control (5.62g/plant) in sterilised soil. Though all three isolates were compatible, plants receiving triple inoculation produced 7.33g/plant of seed yield which was significantly higher than control but lower to dual inoculation. Dual inoculation found more ecological successful than triple. A more or less similar trend was observed in other parameters too. However, the effect of inoculation was clearer in sterile soil.
Ecological compatibility, Inoculation, Consortia, Plant growth promotion, Mungbean
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