A solution culture experiment was conducted to study the tolerance and phosphorus uptake efficiency of different maize genotypes (Jidan 180, Simi 25, Benyu 9) at seedling stage under the condition of phosphorus (P) deficiency. Results showed that the biological indicators of dry matter weight, root length, root density, root radius, total root absorption area, active absorption area of all the genotypes were reduced under the stress of P deficiency. However, compared with other genotypes, Jidan 180 was less affected. At P deficiency, the Km and Cmin of Jidan 180 decreased significantly, Imax increased significantly. It indicated that Jidan 180 had the higher P affinity and tolerance to P dificiency, whereas Benyu 9 had lower P affinity and weak tolerance to low P condition.
maize, phosphorus deficiency, biological traits, phosphorus uptake potential
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