ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

S.N. Suresh and N. Nagarajan
*PG & Research Department of Biotechnology, PG and Research Department of Botany,
Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore – 29, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2011;5(2):891-894
© The Author(s). 2011
Received: 15/02/2011 | Accepted: 20/03/2011| Published: 31/10/2011

The occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal diversity (AMF) of 10 plant species belonging to Asteraceae family was analyzed in two different vegetations, evergreen and deciduous in Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats. The spore population and root colonization of these ten species were observed. The average spore population during winter season was high (470/100gm) in Shola than the evergreen vegetation (454/100gm). The average spore populations were almost equal during summer and rainy seasons in both the vegetations. The average root colonization was slightly high (35%) in Shola vegetation than the evergreen vegetation during winter season but, equal amount in average root colonization was observed in summer and rainy seasons. In general, the spore population and root colonization was comparatively high in Shola vegetation than the evergreen vegetation. Out of four genuses isolated, Glomus is found to be dominant in both the vegetations.


AMF, Spore population, Root colonization percentage, Shola vegetation, Glomus

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