Purification and Characterization of An Esterase from Halobacillus trueperi whb27

Song Yan1*, Xiukun Lin2, Xiaorui Chen3 and Shoutong Zhang1

Pages: 01-09

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Role of Ascorbic Acid in Alleviating Air Pollutants in Eggplant Seedlings

Mohammed A. Al-Muwayhi1, Abdulaziz A. Al Sahli2, Abdullah R. Doaigey2, Mohammed O. Basalah2, Hayssam M. Ali2*, Mohamed E. El-Zaidy2 and Ahmed M. Sakran2

Pages: 783-792

Abstract  |  PDF

Investigation on Iron Oxides Precipitated from FeSO4 by Klebsiella sp SU- 14

R. Jayalakshmi and Antony V. Samrot

Pages: 677-680

Abstract  |  PDF

Molecular Evidence of Multiple Viral Infections in an Infant Hospitalized with Acute Gastroenteritis in...

Yashpal S. Malik1*, Vinita Rawat2, Kuldeep Sharma1, Naveen Kumar1, Nirupama Vaid1, Ritu Rakholia3 and Balasubramanian Ganesh4

Pages: 733-737

Abstract  |  PDF

Halophiles and Halozymes from Tannery Effluent as well as Food Grade Table Salt Crystals

R. Manjula1,2 , P. Karthikeyan1, P.C. Cikesh1, E.S. Bindiya1, Sarita G. Bhat1* and M. Chandrasekaran1,3

Pages: 707-713

Abstract  |  PDF

Role of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Crop Growth and Disease Management

Gorakh Nath Gupta1*, Seweta Srivastava2, Sunil Kumar Khare3 and Veeru Prakash1

Pages: 461-474

Abstract  |  PDF