A new kind of respiratory infectious disease, COVID-19, which first occurred in Wuhan, China, on December 31st, 2019, has affected all over China. After that, the first case of COVID-19 in South Korea was confirmed on January 20th, 2020. Currently, on April 7th, the accumulated number of confirmed cases is 10,331, with 6,694 among them released from quarantine. Age distributions among the confirmed cases shows that patients between 20-29 occupy the most portion with 27%. Te younger generations occupies the highest portion of the confirmed cases. Additionally, as their high infection rate can serve as a risk factor of spreading the disease to their family members, they should actively participate in the prevention of the disease by thorough practice of social distancing. Their participation is expected to serve an important role in ending COVID-19.
Age Distribution, Confirmed Cases, COVID-19, Social distancing, Younger generation
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