ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Research Article | Open Access
P. Arun Kumar, Roma A. Chougale and Indireddy Sinduri
Department of Microbiology, D.Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur – 416 005, Maharashtra, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2020;14(2):1405-1411 | Article Number: 6180 | © The Author(s). 2020
Received: 22/03/2020 | Accepted: 24/05/2020 | Published: 25/06/2020

To minimize exposure to hazardous biological materials, all doctors, nurses, technicians and in general all the healthcare personnel as well as researchers wear a knee-length, long-sleeved, elastic-cuffed laboratory coat while working with hazardous materials. A white coat provides a protective layer and can be easily removed if contaminated. White coats act as mechanical vectors in transmission of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria to the people who are associated with health care workers. A total of 120 specimens were collected by using sterile cotton swabs. Of these, 88 (73%) white coats were contaminated. At the same time, a pre-validated and semi-structured questionnaire (containing questions regarding usage of white coat, purpose, hygiene, and perception about contamination of white coats, etc) was distributed. Gram positive cocci 64 (72.72%) were isolated more than gram negative bacilli 24 (27.28%). Most of the tested antibiotics showed resistance to isolated gram positive and gram negative bacteria. 10 (41.66%) isolates of gram negative bacilli were resistant to extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and 10 (6.4%) of staphylococcal isolates showed Methicillin resistance. Therefore, a much more attention to wear a clean white coat should be required.


White coat, ESBL, MRSA, Gram negative bacilli, Gram Positive cocci

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